6 Rules of Subject Verb Agreement

When it comes to writing, proper subject-verb agreement is essential. It`s a basic rule of grammar that can make or break the clarity of your message. Not only is it important for proper communication, but it is also essential in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). Here are six rules to follow when it comes to subject-verb agreement.

1. Singular Subjects Require Singular Verbs

When you`re dealing with a singular subject, the verb that follows must be singular as well. For example, „The dog chases the ball.“ In this sentence, „dog“ is the subject, and „chases“ is the singular verb.

2. Plural Subjects Require Plural Verbs

On the flip side, when dealing with plural subjects, the verb that follows must also be plural. For example, „The dogs chase the ball.“ In this sentence, „dogs“ is the subject, and „chase“ is the plural verb.

3. Verb Tenses Must Agree with the Subject

Another important aspect of subject-verb agreement is making sure the verb is in the same tense as the subject. For example, „The cat meows loudly.“ „Meows“ is in the present tense, and „cat“ is a present-tense subject.

4. Indefinite Pronouns Require Singular Verbs

Indefinite pronouns (such as „everyone“ or „someone“) are singular and require singular verbs. For example, „Everyone is required to attend the meeting.“

5. Compound Subjects Connected by „and“ Require a Plural Verb

When two or more subjects are connected by „and,“ the verb that follows must be plural. For example, „Tom and Jerry are best friends.“ In this sentence, „Tom“ and „Jerry“ are the compound subjects, and „are“ is the plural verb.

6. Collective Nouns Can Either Be Singular or Plural

Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things. Depending on the context, collective nouns can be treated as singular or plural. For example, „The team is playing well“ (singular) versus „The team are discussing their options“ (plural).

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of writing. By following these six rules, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. Not only will this improve the clarity of your message, but it will also help optimize your content for search engines. Happy writing!