The SJU Faculty Association is the union collective bargaining unit responsible for negotiating contracts, representing in administrative and human situations, and disseminating information about Rights in the Workplace full-time and to Saint John University teachers. As a core campaign that runs (for now) 100% digitally, it will take time to collect cards, but organizers are working hard to reach potential members, hear your concerns in the workplace, and provide information about union training. The organisers hope to be able to submit the application to the labour agency during the autumn semester and the cards are valid for one year. If the request is successful, a vote will be held one week later, during which all potential members will be able to vote; If 50% +1 vote in favour, the negotiation process can begin (see FAQ below). Since the first collective agreement forms the basis of all future agreements, it is the most important and, therefore, it takes time (about a year) to be concluded. You can submit your name for one of these roles (and receive paid training to help you with this job)! Next, the bargaining committee will conduct a survey/consultation process to determine which key issues the commission members should focus on in the negotiations. You will also take feedback into account during the negotiation process in the event of a problem. Finally, all members can vote for or against the proposed collective agreement before it can be approved and come into force. Visit the St.
Jerome`s University Academic Staff Association website for a full summary of topics related to the collective agreement between the association and St. Jerome`s Academic Staff Association. Jerome`s University or email SJU ASA President Veronica Austen in Short answer: you! The bargaining committee will be composed of members/workers democratically elected by the members of the local union. These representatives will then work with CUPE staff to benefit from their employees` experience and knowledge in negotiating a collective agreement. The agreement is then submitted to the members for approval or rejection in a vote. A democratically elected executive and bargaining committee is empowered to negotiate on behalf of its members. CUPE will provide the new location with a staff representative who will work with the bargaining committee to negotiate a collective agreement. There is no cost to sign a card. Contributions (see FAQ) are only collected during working hours and are generally only collected once the first collective agreement has been negotiated, coordinated, approved and entered into force. The first collective agreement is the most important, as it forms the basis of all future agreements. It therefore takes time to ensure that the language is complete and covers all the employment issues that members have and wish to address.
This usually takes about a year, but can take more or less time depending on the local context. UWaterloo faculties are not unionized, with the exception of employees of two of UW`s federal colleges. St. Jerome`s University`s Academic Staff Association (SJU-ASA) has represented all SJU academic staff (including permanent employment, contract, full-time and part-time) since 2013. . . .