One of the criteria for conducting qualifying studies for professional purposes is that you need to make satisfactory progress in your course. A tertiary improves satisfactorily if the time spent in the course (with time spent at the same level in other courses) does not exceed the time allowed for this course. For the youth allowance, the time allowed is measured only by the study you have done in your current course. If you receive youth assistance, there is no limit to the number of courses you can take at the same level and you can maintain full-time student status. If you have already tried another course at the same level, you may need to enter into an activity agreement for students. Students must take a course over an authorized period based on the minimum time normally required to complete the course, as well as an additional allowable period. Up to one year of additional eligible time may be granted to complete your course. In exceptional cases, some students may benefit from an extension of their authorized time. These circumstances include illness, family trauma, natural disasters, relocations and duties of care. Policy of Reference: Guide SS Satisfaction of the activity test ya, Full-time students from YA, 3.2.7,100 full-time students satisfactory progress. However, a person may be admitted to continue his studies as an YA job seeker (the study being admitted in the short term). These students must have their studies enrolled in an EPP.
Example 2: Lisa is 22 years old and has 2 years of computer science degree. Lisa dropped out of computer science at the end of the second year and is starting to work. After a two-year hiatus, Lisa returned to university, retired from computer science studies and began her studies in landscape architecture. Lisa can be paid YA for the end of landscape architecture. However, since it has withdrawn from its previous trajectory, it must conclude and respect the terms of an YA activity agreement until it completes its course in time considered a satisfactory advance in this course or no longer qualified for YA, depending on the earliest time. Not all previous studies are taken into account and the time available for their landscape architecture degree is reset. The authorized time is measured by the minimum time of the tertiary course you are studying. The time that has already been spent studying at the same level is then deducted from this limit to determine if you are still doing qualifying studies. If you receive youth benefits, you are not limited in the time they have spent studying at the same level. If you receive youth benefits, you may be asked to sign an agreement if you try a second or subsequent course at the same level. Example 1: Vincent is 20 years old and has completed a year of economics studies at university. He retired from the Bwusrig and switched to engineering after a year.
With Vincent withdrawing from his previous trajectory for reasons that were not beyond his control, Vincent must respect the terms of an YA activity agreement until he completes his course in time considered a satisfactory advance in this course or is no longer qualified for YA, depending on the earliest moment. Students under the age of 22 who have reached the satisfactory progress time for their course must switch to YA job seekers and enter an EPP. They may be allowed to perform the YA activity test through a full-time study or through a combination of activities, including part-time studies, that must be documented in their PEP. These are the dates on which you will take the course. For example, you cannot start at the beginning of the course because you have received exceptions or recognition of prior knowledge (prior learning, RPL). For more information on the dates, please see the start and completion date.